【巴黎第 一大学]与【法国高级国际金融学院I强强联手与中国高端金融教育界合力打造颠覆性国际金融教育项目。中法两国金融教授与实战专家联合研发、共同教学,培育时代ding尖金融人才。[中国教学中心】落址上海金融要地,与法国同步教学,所获毕业证书与法国本土毕业生完全相同,由法国院校总部统一颁发。该教育项目受欧盟委员会与法兰西共和国法律监管,毕业文凭获中法两国教育部quan威认证。
Universite de Parisland Institut De Haute Finance jointlytake hands with the experts in China's high-end financial educationfield to create a subversive international financial education program. Chinese and French professors of Finance andprofessional experts jointly develop and teach to cultivate the top contemporary financialtalents. The teaching center of Chinais located in the financial center of Shanghai, and our teaching schedule is in parallel with that in France. The graduationcertificate is exactly as same as the local French graduates', whichisissued bythe two institutes. The programis regulated by theEuropean Commission and the laws of the Republic of France, and the diplomas are certified by the Ministry of Education ofChina and France.
1、ding 尖
TOP:One of the classic degree programs of Europe's oldestuniversities, the national Master's Degree in Financeat the national university in France
法国quan威经济学家及金融学家——PHILIPPE DESSERTINE教授亲自创办
AUTHORITY:lnitiated by Prof. Philippe DESSERTINE, the leadingFrench economist and financial economist
RESOURCE:Alumni throughout over 20 state finance ministries,central banks, and financial institutions in France andFrench overseas territories
RELIABILITY:Dual Master's Diplomas: the National Diploma ofGrade Master Finance recognized by the FrenchMinistry of Education and the Diploma of EMBAFinance recognized by the French Ministry of Labour
PROFESSIONALITY:The national master's degree aims to cultivateleading financial professionals,and the programrepresents the high level of finance education inFrance and the world as well
世界最 古老的大学之一,拥有800多年历史
0ne of the 0ldes t Universities in the World with a History of 0ver 800 Years
引 领法国公立大学商学教育发展
Leading the Development of Business Educat ion in the French Public Universities
法国大学顶 尖的金融学硕士项目
Master's Degree in Finance in the Prestigious French Universities
European Celebrity Database in Finance Politics and Business Fields
全法唯 一总统亲自创办高等学府
The Only 0ne Institution of Higher Educat i on Founded by the President in France
Supervised and 0perated by the French Ministry of Finance and the French Centra l Bank